Who has the time to scroll through pages and pages of a blog post, seemingly never reaching the end of the post? "Why am I still reading this?" you might have even asked yourself whilst you trudged through a post, the subject or point of which you can't even remember now. LOL! Right? Am I lying? Of course not. And it's almost comical - well, it would be were it not so often also very maddening. Most people read blogs to be entertained, maybe to learn a little nugget of information to tuck into their back pocket for a dinner party or a water cooler conversation. No one bases their senior thesis on what they researched from a blog post. (Unless you actually did base your thesis on blog posts, and then...I guess I have to walk that back.) If somebody can't make their point in a blog post in 700 words or less, they're wasting your time and they're energy. So, with this post, I'm going to challenge myself to do exactly that: win you over ...